Friday, February 25, 2011

Strawberry comic

I drew this a few years ago, but was sifting through old files and thought it was kewel. These were just stream of consciousness, no planning, straight ahead. Made it for my friend who was putting together a collection of comics that I don't think will be published anymore, hmmm... Click to make it bigger!

PS - the page format was supposed to be 7"x7", that's why there's a line down the center. Fun stuff. Fun's tuff.

Hey, does anyone have tips on making a website? I need one!

3 - word movie review
The Illusionist (2010)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Community Christmas Special

Hello all, some "old" news here. Few months old. I animated on NBC's comedy show "Community". While it's normally a live-action show, they chose to use stop-motion for the Christmas episode, in true "American Christmas special" fashion. It was fun, I got to work alongside some really amazing and talented animators, and other sorts of folks.

I'm not sure if there's anywhere to watch the full episode online, but click here for a preview scene from

Here's a timelapse I shot with my phone of me animating one of my favorite shots I got to animate; a "Christmas Pterodactyl" swooping down and carrying this Wizard guy away into the distance.

3-word movie review
Maniac (1980)